Tag Archives: jaws

Last Night’s Movies 26.07.2017

There was a terrible traffic jam and as the roads were dead I decided to duck into the pub and right across the road is the indie cinema soooooo… I took my pint over the road and got tickets for….

*47 Metres Down (2017) I finally found an indie cinema still showing this, I dunno why I wanted to see this and now I’ve seen it, I dunno why I bothered, after sitting down it dawned on me, this is a movie about a couple of girls in a cage in shark infested water, how much can you expand on that in an hour and 20 minutes…. but I like to keep an open mind. It starts out slow,  it takes 20 minutes before the sisters are on the boat. The backstory is irrelevant and the attempt to pull at the heart strings is isn’t needed but once they are out in the blue yonder under the guidance of Matthew Modine, who looks older but sounds exactly like Private joker and that’s a bonus as most of the film he’s a voice in their ears. The chum is chucked and the girls get dunked and with an hour of oxygen and an hour of movie the rest is supposed to be in pseudo real time. The film focuses on the girls after they get dropped to the sea bed, and bizarrely the great white sharks circling them don’t really get a lot of screen time, but this isn’t a scary shark movie it’s an underwater thriller, without any thrills…there are frights but there’s lots of puzzle solving and cute twist at the ending, you see it coming a mile on.. in fact it line up for this twist is as subtle as Conner McGregor but on the whole it’s just another underwater film. I wasn’t won over by it, it’s incredibly made and looks stunning but unlike something like Jaws (I didn’t want to mention it but…) which has a lot more storyline to it, I just don’t see myself watching it again.. but it was good to see at last but there is no treasure in this wreck 3/10 Continue reading Last Night’s Movies 26.07.2017

Jaws (1975)


Day 9 of 31


Jaws  (Horror, Thriller, Adventure, Drama,  1975) (15) D: Steven Spielberg W: Peter Benchley (book) C: Roy Schneider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfus, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton. 2h 04m. USA.

Synopsis : When a gigantic great white shark begins to menace the small island community of Amity, a police chief, a marine scientist and grizzled fisherman set out to stop it.

TAGLINE : It was the perfect feeding ground.

The ultimate watery creature feature,  breaking water on new waves of giant animal horror movies. Without this classic gem we honestly wouldn’t have Sharknado (2013) and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing? It’s pretty impressive that Jaws does manage to still hold up even though lots of the inspired films do not. It kicked off Spielberg’s career in monster creatures and in a host of summer blockbuster movies. Continue reading Jaws (1975)