November 2015 News

Sadly the whole 31 days of horror went to pot after starting out so well, I will still continue with the list throughout November but due to health problems and the Rugby World Cup I’m really sorry I kinda copped out. The list as it stands today is here and I’ve not got a huge amount to do but I’m doing it.. After all it’s Halloween every day in my house.

I’ve got nothing much lined up for November, I’ll be penning some ideas for two epic lists detailing Selected movies of 2015 and Selected movies discovered in 2015.

Hopefully some more regular updates from now on… hopefully.. I will also be changing the look and feel of the blog, oh and I shall be adding a banner, I’ll bring that baby back!

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween, did anyone find any creepy movies!?? Please let me know.



Day 1 – Halloween (1978)

Day 2 – The Thing (1982)

Day 3 – The Fog (1980)

Day 4 – Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Day 5 – Maniac Cop(1988)

Day 6 – The gate (1987)

Day 7 – Troll (1986)

Day 8 – Killer klowns from outer space (1988)

Day 9 – Jaws (1975)

Day 10 – Hellraiser (1987)

Day 11 – American Werewolf in London (1981)

Day 12 – The Lost boys (1987)

Day 13 The Beyond (1981)

Day 14 The Hills have eyes (1977)

Day 15 The last will and testament of Rosalind Leigh (2012)

Day 16 A Serbian Film (2010)

Day 17 The lodger (1927)

Day 18 L’ultimo Treno Della Note -Don’t Ride on Late Night Trains (1975)

Day 19 Banshee chapter (2013)

Yep I still have quite a few to add but will finish the list.

In the meantime there are some awesome sales and NEW sweatshirts at Rabbit In Red so get yourself something warm for the winter I know I will be once I’ve narrowed my selection down from the extensive catalogue.
