Tag Archives: hungary

The Duke of Burgundy (2014)

Director: Peter Strickland
Starring: Sidse Babett Knudsen, Chiara D’AnnaMonica Swinn, Fatma Mohamed . UK/Hungary. 1h 44m

In retrospect and to date, this is the ultimate tale of love and devotion and (at least in my opinion) it’s easily Strickland’s Magnum Opus. The strange, stylish and sensual lesbian culture that he has built up is set in a whimsical swiss-esque world locked in a constant autumn spell and sees an all female community thrive through a male free heavily sexualised lifestyle. Strickland seems to have gone that extra step, as he typically does and really taps into the true essence of a fetishistic way of living and it’s not what the typical Joe would quite expect but if you’ve been involved with “the scene” this film will tap on a nerve or two.

Continue reading The Duke of Burgundy (2014)

Extinction (2015)


Director: Miguel Angel Vivas .
Starring: Matthew Fox, Jeffrey Donovan, Quinn McColgan . Spain, France, USA, Hungry. 1h 50m.

I’m at that stage where “infected” movies are actually starting to get on my nerves, especially the ones which just regurgitate the same old boring nonsense again and again, but there is something strangely unique about Extinction in that a fantasy safe zone has been erected around a family and an enemy/friend who has moved in next door but it’s not enough to really save this lengthy film, we dont need heart warming we need heart eating!!

There isn’t a lot of back story as we’re thrust into a dangerous and violent introduction as a bus travelling in the snow is attacked by “mutant/zombie/vampires” Zomutires? and it’s quite a gory beginning to this survival movie, this is brilliant as we are adults and understand he basics, so well done there, but what follows doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense but at times is scary and suspenseful. Continue reading Extinction (2015)

Gingerclown  (2013)


Director : Balazs Hatvani
Starring : Tim Curry, Lance Henriksen, Brad Dourif, Erin Hayes. Hungary. 1h 23m

The cover looked amazing and it promised so many good things and great actors, some of my absolute favourites but sadly it just delivered a bunch of crap and I’m glad I found it in Poundland. It claims to have a great cast, including… Tim Curry, Lance Henriksen, Sean Young and Brad Dourif! So what went wrong?  

The plot of this Hungarian horror sounds amazing and has so many possibilities. It tars Erin Hayes and Ashley Lloyd as high school students who break  into an old amusement park inhabited by MONSTERS!!! the teens and their friends encounter a range of putrid creatures as they are stalked by the “Gingerclown” into this twisted nightmare.

Literally the first few seconds I was livid with the bum acting and pathetic jokes, and I’m not saying this literally because I hate comedy it’s really bad, not that so bad it’s good, it’s just shit. So the jocks flex a bit of muscle then dare the weak kid to go into the abandoned amusement park , where the Gingerclown is stalking them on the CCTV. Then they start encountering various cheap looking monsters including a giant spider, all VOICE ACTED by the great names on the covers..  yeah just some voices… and the dialogue feels like it’s been written by a 3 year old on meth, na that would be funny, this cheap and doesn’t engage the viewer in anyway… How did this actors put themselves through this?

“Great idea ruined by cheap comedy and shitty”

I’ve no idea how the director Balázs Hatvani, managed to fuck up two of the scariest horror features ever, just stick a psychotic clown in an abandoned park and you don’t even have to TRY to make it scary, it just is! but the terrible acting and buff script and screenplay kinda ruined the atmosphere. I really have nothing good to say about this. I’m sorry I just can’t even go there!

AOFA01Rating 1/10

This will be enough for this flick, no review to come might just add it to a list of shit films or terrible clown films.

L : Selected Clown Films, Crap films of 2013, Selected Comedy Horror ,
5B: Tim Curry, Brad Dourif, Lance Henriksen, Sean Young
A: How to ruin a horror movie..
VS : Ginger Clown Vs Pennywise.

Turin Horse (2011)



A tragically stark and bleak movie set to a haunting soundtrack and blistering natural soundtrack depicting a curious what happened next story that finalises the end of something..  I’ve been meaning to watch this film for such a long time, it sounded intriguing and I have a soft spot for black and white (long drawn out) movies.

The Turin Horse is very much a film makers film, it’s one of those film with lots of laurels that the average joe is going to frisbee the disc in disgust after the first 20 seconds. For me it’s a poem, meticulously composed by cinematographer Fred Keieman’s ever detailed eye that casts dark shadows over a story about the end of a world, if not the world. Continue reading Turin Horse (2011)

Feher Isten – White God (2014)

White god


Despite the scary title, this film is brilliant in every way, it tells an intricate story about a noble young girl who has been dumped into her father’s care while her mother is away on business, the trumpet playing princess is very attached to her mixed breed dog, Hagen. The pair are inseparable which is made difficult during a massive round up of stray dogs and a bitch of a neighbor who makes a false claim against the dog. The film separate and while Hagen is left on the highway and strives to survive in a dangerous environment with the help of a fellow dog who he bonds with, his owner Lili has her own problems and adventures to embark on, dealing with her missing dog, bonding with her estranged father and discovering boys and clubbing.

I really enjoyed the film, it has a lot of layers, with rising notes of coming of age, there are many subconscious links with immigration and slavery (that’s what I picked up), animal rights and modern families. Lili is such a strong and powerful girl, with her love can conquer all approach, the film slightly takes her perspective as she travels through the unknown.The filmmakers utilized the acting talents of 274 dogs from various shelters.

There are so many bizarre elements in this film, the father works in a slaughter house, the daughter is this comic style heroine, who’s so distinctive on her bike, with a blue hoody and a trumpet. Many of the scenes are poetic not coming from the script but purely from the moods and ambiance.. Generally the film is muted but still manages to convey massive waves of emotion.

The film has been likened to The Birds (1963), and ultimately it is, the story is about Hagen meeting up with a network of stray dogs, after being abused by some shady characters in the Hungarian underworld start an uprising. It’s something that is beautiful in terms of the oppressed rising up, but on the flip side it will agitate anyone with Cynophobia, but then I suppose Cujo (1981) did more damage in the 80’s.


Full review to follow soon…..