Tag Archives: creep 2014

POST DISCUSSION : Creep (2014)

Creep (4)

This film just didn’t gel with me, I dunno I like a lot of movies and generally look for the good points, with Creep that happens to be the concept, it’s a good concept, nothing original but we love a great Craigslist horror right!? We love them because they are scary and we all love auctions and the creepy shit that goes on with dodgy listings on a site that you can basically organise an orgy on. Out of all of the “stories” I’ve heard on youtube, reddit etc I can’t say this scenario is one of the better ones. Continue reading POST DISCUSSION : Creep (2014)

Creep (2004) Vs Creep (2014)


So now there are two films called Creep and neither of them contain the amazing song from Radiohead ,  but how do they compare on the level of creepy!? (Yes I know there other films called Creep but I’m leaving the 1995 one out for now).

So how to measure the creepiness of a movie… With these two films I seem to be against everything that is on the internet. So bare with me.

Creep (2)Main Character: So we have Craig and Josef. Craig is a mutant cave dwelling psycho who was subjected to lots of medical experiments and re enacts them on anyone who is unfortunate to cross his path, luckily he lives in he London underground so he usually preys on homeless folk so he goes unnoticed. On the other hand Josef is more of a sociopath who preys on people who respond to his Craigslist where is keeps them on edge by constantly scaring them, manipulates them and eventually slaughters them.

Now for me I’m more likely to meet Craig than Josef, I’m also more likely to have beaten Josef to death for freaking me out constantly. Honestly I would have bitch slapped him into a shallow grave for being creepy. Overall I think a mutant killer who doesn’t feel pain and who captures people and keeps them in cages before operating on them is much creepier than a norbet who you could take out if you used half a brain cell, after all Josef is as creepy as that dodgy uncle you have.. oh wait that could be pretty scarring… anyway.

Creep2004 1 – Creep2014 0

Creep (3)Creep Factors : Josef is a nerd and socially awkward, he does seem to keep jumping out scaring Aaron all the time and it worked the first few times but then it just gets annoying in the film, I’m sure everyone could see it coming, apart from that factor and some stalking there isn’t much else with this film. The London based Creep has a mutant psycho, rats, nasty painful operations, being crapped in watery cages, being trapped in an underground maze and some great bloody slahserific fun. Is that 5 aspects of creepy fun!? Okay!!

Creep2004 6 – Creep2014 1

Realistic? :There have been lots of reports of people trying to lure people into sex cults and what not on Craigslist, I only know of a few true life stories where killers have utilized the listings to attract prey and that’s enough proof for me. There have been tales about the horror that go on in the old unused parts of the London underground but nothing has been verified that scientific experiments went on down there, and that kinda stuff won’t make the media lol I jest, there is some storage down there but that is it. So the only scenario, which is more plausible, is the 2014 version.

Creep2004 6 – Creep2014 2

creep-craig.jpgRatings : Overall the film score about the same but on all of the top sites 2014 film gets a lot more attention and higher ratings, which I don’t understand in the slightest. For me the 2004 Creep has so much more character, superb method acting and some tense scenes, where the hipster 2014 film just gets under my skin. Because this is my blog I’m taking my own ratings here so

Creep2004 7 – Creep2014 2

Looks like the creepiest creep; goes to the detailed dark nightmare that Sean Harris performs to perfection, and kicks the shit outta Josef. I have to admit that if the two were in some kind of show down I reckon little Craig would beat the big Craigslist killer up, So what do you think? Which film freaked you out the most? Was this a justified comparison!?

Creep 2004 FINISH HIM!!!!

Creep Portenta

Creep (2014)

Creep (1)

Creep (Drama, Horror 2014) (8) D: Patrick Brice: W: Patrick Brice, Mark Duplass: C: Patrick Brice, Mark Duplass 1h 22m. USA.

Synopsis: When a video gamer answers a Craigslist ad for a one-day job in a remote mountain town, he finds his client is not at all what he initially seem.

This oddball movie plays out as a cross between a found footage movie and a cringe compilation from YouTube. The film feels like it was forged from a creepypasta written by a school kid, and appears to be the first of a trilogy of “creep” films. Outlining the dangers of answering a “too good to be true” advert on Craigslist and digging into the psyche of a deceptive and manipulative “creep” and adorable loser.

Aaron answers an advert posted on Craigslist, he has the incredibly easy task of filming Josef , a desperate man who is dying from cancer but insistent on making a documentary for his unborn baby boy, who he calls “buddy” through the filming. Immediately he comes across as a creepy bastard, but Aaron pursues with the now bizarre and creepy job of following Josef around filming him while he’s doing some very bizarre role play Fizz unborn baby most of this is very uncomfortable and quite boring to watch periodically Josef pulls cheap stunt and tries to jump out of a cupboard or pretends to drown in order to scare Aaron. It’s not about this time that Aaron realises but he’s had enough of the filming and the gentle manipulation the he decided to call it a day and finish the film at home when he realises what a psychotic ass hole he was dealing with and have a new challenge to face

Styled like any other phone footage of documentary movie there’s not a lot of difference between Creep and The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014) for example. The filming of Josef was supposed to take up one day, but through his sweet talking and is constantly scaring Aaron and then apologising for his “weird sense of humor” the filming goes on for several days, while they were out in the wilderness aimlessly looking for a heart shaped rock in a pool I almost expected to see the crew from a Bigfoot documentary cross paths with them.

Creep (2) Continue reading Creep (2014)